of the activities of this seminar was designing and constructing an
ROV - Remotely Operated Vehicle. ROVs are used to document and study,
among other things, shipwrecks. ROVs can work in conditions that are
too deep or too dangerous for divers, taking pictures, capturing video,
and sometimes even collecting artifacts. |
from NOAA and the National Maritime Sanctuaries showed us video of
ROVs, and then we had to build our own! We only had a few requirements
-- it had to float, it had to be able to submerge, it had to be able
to move forward and backward, turn around, and it had to protect the
propellors. We used pvc pipe to build the body of the ROV, keeping
in mind that we would take them to the motel pool and have ROV races!
Our team actually won two of the races! |